ICCA Team will be in Norwalk, Ohio to certify cars to the ICCA - O.E or U.O.R.E Standard
The ICCA team will be offering ICCA-O.E. or U.R.O.E. judging services on Sept 14th-16th 2007 at the Summit Racing Equipment Motor Sports Park. in Norwalk , Ohio. Judging will be available by advanced appointment only. Additional details will be posted in the future on ICCA web site www.iccahome.org.
As automobile enthusiast knowledge increases, the level of restorations advance and the participants demand increase the traditional car show event needed to evolve to keep up with the advancements and demands of the hobby.
All judges will be selected for their proven knowledge and dedication to the hobby. All judges will reference a common judging manual that has been recently completed after years of development during their assessment of a vehicle. This will provide a consistent approach, evaluation and scoring of the show cars.
Upon advanced registration by a participant to this event, in qualified stock (factory appearing) classes you will receive access to the ICCA web site which a participant manual that will be made available in advance of the event. This information will give you a good idea of what will be reviewed and provide you with time to prepare your vehicle according to what will be judged and it will provide a better understanding of the evaluation process.
Contact Information:
David Wise
ICCA - Detroit
P.O. Box 210074
Auburn Hill, MI 48312
Office: 248.393.3970
WEB site: www.iccahome.org