1970-74 E-Body Fastener Reference Manual
September 7, 2004 Auburn Hills, MI,
Moparr Motors Consulting, LLC, is introducing it's first in a series of Mopar restoration manuals titled; 1970-74 E-Body Fastener Reference Manual. The Manual is the ultimate Mopar restoration manual for the identification of the correct engine, transmission, axle, suspension and body fasteners for E-Body cars.
The company is currently developing additional Mopar manuals and plans to announce them at a later date.
This fastener reference manual was developed to assist Mopar vehicle restorers, event and OE judges, collectors and enthusiasts gain a better understanding of the correct fasteners used by the Original Equipment
Manufacturer (OEM).
Byron Fettig and David Wise have always shared a passion for older Chrysler Corporation vehicles. It started as a hobby more than 25-years ago - and still remains one today - except that over this 25-year period both Byron and David have done extensive research on these vehicles and the fasteners used in them. That's the reason the Manuals contain highly detailed photographs, illustrations and helpful hints from Byron and David.
This manual was compiled using notes, photographs and illustrations. These were all combined with the factory original technical process sheets, service manuals, part prints, fastener manufacturer information and
parts manuals.
If you want to know or verify the fastener size, head markings, finish or grade, these are the only manuals and the ultimate source for the true car professional.
Contact Information:
Moparr Motor - Detroit
PO Box 210074 Auburn Hill, MI 48312