Formal Mopar Vehicle Certification Has Arrived!
Wednesday January 19, 2005 at 8:35 am Auburn Hills, MI, Moparr Motors - Detroit has announced another breakthrough in the collector hobby by the development of the ICCA (International Chrysler Collector Association). This association will be dedicated to the development and advancement of the Mopar collector hobby in the area of judged certification.
The ICCA will be assessing the merits of individual Dodge and Plymouth passenger cars between the years of 1963 - 1974, and offers many avenues of recognition. The ICCA judging manuals are the "bible" for this assessment. To be awarded an ICCA recognition, it is necessary to have your vehicle reviewed at an ICCA sanctioned event or alternative arrangements can be made outside of an event.
As automobile enthusiast knowledge increases, the level of restorations advance in quality and the participants demand increase the traditional car certification and judging must change to keep up with the increasing demands of the hobby.
The ICCA has established a standard for vehicle judging and certification by which others will be measured. This program has been under development for many years. The certification judging system is designed to educate each owner about their car as well as providing recognition for excellence in the areas of restoration and/or preservation .The Mopar collector car hobby is overdue for a formal certification program. This program will be rolled out at selective national Chrysler shows this year.
All the judges involved with this certification program will have to meet pre-established criteria in order to be part of the ICCA judging team. The program will provide consistent judging techniques, scoring and evaluations between years, makes, and models at all ICCA sanctioned events. All judges will be selected for their knowledge and dedication to the hobby. Judges will use a defined process including judging manual and score sheets that has been developed to provide guidance for consistent evaluations of vehicles.
What is new about this program you ask?
Upon registration to an event that is, participating in the ICCA sanctioned program
(5 Star certification) you will receive the applicable judging sheet for your program as well as a manual so you will better understand what will be reviewed. This judging sheet and manual that you will receive will be an abbreviated version of the one used by the event judges. It will provide the participant with an outline of what will be expected of them and their vehicle in the pursuit of the applicable recognition.
By participating in an event that is utilizing the ICCS certification program you can be assured that a qualified judge, with a consistent approach in the scoring, will certify your vehicle.
The programs that have been developed is as follows:

5 Star certification - (1963 - 1974 vehicles)
This fee-based program has been developed to certify the level of restoration or originality that a vehicle has achieved. This certification is intended to stay with the vehicle and the results will be archived into the ICCA 5 star database. The status of your vehicle can be upgraded as enhancements are made. This award recognizes individuals for the restoration and preservation of '63-'74 Dodge and Plymouth passenger cars. This award system allows vehicles to compete against a defined standard to achieve the level of recognition that the owner desires and not against another vehicle.

- The vehicle must attain a validation score between 50 - 64.9%

- The vehicle must attain a validation score between 65 and 74.9 %

- The vehicle must attain a validation score between 75 and 84.9%

- The vehicle must attain a validation score between 85 and 93.9%

- Award demands a judging score of 94% or above.
These certification awards are based on a possible 400 total score and based on an original "as manufactured" standard at Chapter, Regional or National ICCA sanctioned event.
Owners of the finest original and restored Mopars in the nation should bring their classics to an ICCA sanctioned event for entry in the ICCA program to compete for, what will become one of the nation's most prestigious recognition for excellence. If your Mopar is ready to compete in one of the most comprehensive tests of originality, condition, attention to detail and cleanliness the ICCA 5 star certification program is ready for you!
As the ICCA group develops and matures stay tuned for other exciting developments from the organization.
If you are interested in becoming involved with the ICCA, having your car certified or having your event sanctioned by the ICCA please contact Moparr Motors - Detroit.
Contact Information:
Moparr Motor - Detroit
PO Box 210074 Auburn Hill, MI 48312